Fara Heim Foundation presentation at the Racine Yacht Club, April 27th at 5pm

Please join David and Johann at the Racine Yacht Club, 1 Barker St, Racine, Wisconsin at 5pm for a 1.5 hour multimedia update to last year’s activities and what’s coming up this and next year:

1. A briefing on the 2012 expedition down the Nelson River to Hudson Bay and York Factory.

The team investigated isostatic rebound and evaluated what changes to the terrain have occurred since York Factory was started over 350 years ago. Polar bears, belugas, York Factory, Thomas Button, Henry Hudson

2. An update on the 2013 and 2014 expedition activities.

While at York Factory the team became aware of a 1697 naval battle between French and British warships. The team is returning to York Factory this fall to test their ground and sea search techniques to find new land and sea historical artifacts. The “Battle of Hudson Bay” is a key event in Canadian history and has never before had a team search for the two 200 ft tall ships lost during the naval engagement. The French Captain, Pierre, D’Iberville, is quite a figure having sailed in Hudson Bay, the Gulf of Mexico and everywhere in between.

Fara Heim Racine wall poster042013pdf

The main expedition development continues and we have pushed the main expedition back one year. Glory of the Sea is still in France though may be in the Northwest Passage this summer supporting a two-man rowing team as
they complete a non-stop row. That would preposition Glory for the 2014 Hudson Bay season and allow us to get out to the Arctic late summer.

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